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Navigating Hybrid Cloud Security: A Deep Dive into Current Challenges

Addressing gaps in hybrid cloud security: Key findings on undetected breaches, visibility challenges, and the role of deep observability.
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TL;DR - A recent survey highlights significant gaps in hybrid cloud security, with one-third of organizations failing to detect breaches in the past year and only 25% capable of real-time responses. The survey reveals that the complexity of hybrid cloud environments increases cyber risks, emphasizing the need for better visibility and deep observability to enhance threat detection and implement effective security measures.

Understanding the Growing Complexity and Cyber Risks

A recent survey reveals that 65% of global respondents find their current security solutions ineffective in detecting breaches, and in Australia, half of the respondents only identify a breach when users report issues accessing applications and digital resources.

The Alarming Rise of Undetected Breaches

Organizations worldwide are at a critical juncture. With 83% acknowledging that cloud complexity heightens cyber risk and AI-powered attacks on the rise, the threat landscape is evolving rapidly. Despite a global information security expenditure of $215 billion in 2024, only 54% of organizations feel strongly prepared to counter unauthorized access in hybrid cloud settings.

Global Unpreparedness for Cyber Attacks

The survey highlights regional vulnerabilities, with Australia reporting a 76% breach rate in the past year, slightly above the global average of 73%. Only one in four organizations can remediate a live threat during a breach, with this capability varying by region. Detection failures often result in severe consequences, such as extortion threats or the exposure of proprietary information on the dark web.

Visibility Gaps in Hybrid Cloud Security

Complex hybrid cloud infrastructures contribute to significant control and visibility issues. While 85% of respondents identify cloud security as a boardroom priority, only 40% have visibility into East-West (lateral) traffic within their networks. This lack of visibility is crucial for effective threat detection and is lowest in the UK at 30%.

The Importance of Deep Observability

Unified visibility into hybrid cloud infrastructure is essential for preventing attacks. Over 80% of respondents agree on the need for combining network-derived intelligence with log-based security tools. In Australia, 84% see a strong connection between deep observability and Zero Trust strategies. With increasing regulatory focus on board-level accountability, cloud security is gaining prominence in C-suites.

The Role of CISOs in Hybrid Cloud Security

Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) are on the frontline of cyber defense. The survey reveals that 59% of CISOs feel empowered when cyber risk is a board priority, yet 69% struggle with detecting encrypted threats. Most CISOs believe their current tools are ineffective, and their teams are overwhelmed by the volume of tools they must manage.

The evolving threat landscape and complexity of hybrid cloud environments demand a robust approach to security. Deep observability and real-time, network-derived intelligence are fundamental to enhancing threat detection and implementing effective security measures.


What is the main challenge in hybrid cloud security according to the recent report?
The main challenge is the increasing complexity of hybrid cloud environments, which makes it difficult to detect and respond to cyber threats effectively.
Why is visibility into East-West traffic crucial for threat detection?
East-West traffic visibility is crucial because it helps detect lateral movements within the network, which are often indicative of a breach.
How does deep observability contribute to cybersecurity?
Deep observability provides unified visibility into all data in motion, enabling organizations to detect and respond to threats more effectively.
What pressures do CISOs face in managing cyber risks?
CISOs face pressures from the overwhelming volume of tools they must manage, ineffective threat detection tools, and the need to comply with regulatory requirements.
What steps can organizations take to improve their hybrid cloud security?
Organizations should prioritize deep observability, implement Zero Trust strategies, and ensure continuous monitoring and visibility into their hybrid cloud environments.
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